A Tremendous & Important Shift

I’d like to shed light on a transformative shift in the world of interpreting services, one that will impact not only interpreters themselves but also, most importantly, the Deaf students who rely on their invaluable support. The countdown has begun, and by 2025, interpreters in the education system must be certified. This change is monumental, particularly for areas like the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia (DMV), where the Deaf population is the largest in the world. Let’s explore the implications of this new legislation and why it’s crucial to act now.


The Education Interpreter Conundrum

Interpreters play an irreplaceable role in the lives of Deaf students. They bridge the gap between the world of sound and silence, ensuring that education is accessible and inclusive for all. However, this vital role comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to certification.

Historically, many interpreters in the education system have not been required to hold national certification. Instead, they have relied on state-level credentials or informal training. While this approach has served many well, the new legislation necessitates a shift towards national certification. It’s a change that holds great promise but also poses significant challenges.


The Shortage Dilemma

One of the most pressing issues we face is the shortage of interpreters in the education system. This scarcity is felt acutely in the DMV region, due to the large Deaf population.. The impending requirement for national certification will likely exacerbate this problem.

Many interpreters who have not pursued national certification before now face a daunting task. The process is more rigorous, requiring a higher level of skill and preparation. This transition may deter some interpreters from continuing in their roles, potentially leaving a void in the education system.


The Need for Education

The clock is ticking, and the countdown to certification is in full swing. To ensure a smooth transition and minimize the potential loss of valuable interpreters, we must take proactive steps to educate those in the education system about the new legislation and the certification process.


  1. Awareness: The first step is to raise awareness among educators, school administrators, and interpreters themselves. Many may not be fully informed about the impending changes and their implications.


  1. Access to Resources: Providing access to resources and guidance is essential. Interpreters will need support in understanding the requirements for national certification and the steps involved in the process.


  1. Professional Development: Emphasizing the importance of ongoing professional development is crucial. Interpreters should focus on honing their skills to meet the higher standards of national certification.  This training takes time as well, so making sure interpreters allow enough time to seek out and get professional development is important.


  1. Mentorship and Support: Establishing mentorship programs and support networks can be invaluable. Experienced interpreters can help newcomers navigate the certification journey.


The Impact on Deaf Students

Ultimately, the new legislation is not just about interpreters; it’s about the Deaf students who depend on them for access to education. National certification brings with it a higher level of competence and ensures that interpreters are well-equipped to meet the unique needs of Deaf learners.


  1. Quality of Education: Certified interpreters bring a higher level of expertise to the classroom, enhancing the quality of education for Deaf students.


  1. Language Access: National certification ensures that interpreters are proficient in both American Sign Language (ASL) and English, facilitating effective communication and language development for Deaf students.


  1. Equal Opportunities: Certified interpreters help level the playing field, ensuring that Deaf students have equal access to educational opportunities, extracurricular activities, and social interactions.


  1. Confidence and Empowerment: Deaf students thrive when they have confidence in their communication support. Certified interpreters contribute to their sense of empowerment and self-assurance.


The Road Ahead

The journey to certification may seem challenging, but it’s one that we must embark on for the benefit of Deaf students and the education system as a whole. Here are some steps we can take to ensure a successful transition:


  1. Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between schools, interpreter training programs, and Deaf advocacy organizations. Working together, we can create a support network for interpreters seeking certification.


  1. Advocacy: Advocate for increased funding and resources for interpreter training programs. This will help prospective interpreters receive the necessary education and mentorship.


  1. Early Education: Start early by educating school districts about the impending changes. This will give interpreters and educators ample time to prepare for the transition.


  1. Professional Development: Promote a culture of continuous professional development among interpreters. This will ensure that interpreters are always striving to improve their skills.



The countdown to certification is a momentous shift in the world of education interpreting, one that will have a lasting impact on Deaf students and the interpreters who serve them. While challenges lie ahead, they are surmountable with the right support, education, and collaboration.

We are committed to supporting interpreters, educators, and Deaf students throughout this transition. Together, we can ensure that every Deaf student has access to the high-quality education they deserve. The future is bright, and as we work together to meet the 2025 certification deadline, we are paving the way for a more inclusive and accessible educational landscape for all. Let’s embrace this opportunity for positive change and empower Deaf students to reach their fullest potential.


By Dave Coyne

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HASA connects people to their worlds and aids individuals in their ability to understand and to be understood. HASA has grown into an organization that serves more than 4,000 children and adults every year, helping them communicate more effectively. With programming both on our Baltimore campus and through community-based programming, we provide education, access, and medical support to anyone who needs it.

We envision a society where everyone can understand and be understood and where everyone is treated with integrity, compassion, and equity. Join us.
