A Chief Advancement Officer’s Work-Life Balance in 2023

In today’s fast-paced and demanding business world, finding a sense of equilibrium between work and personal life has become more crucial than ever before. As the Chief Advancement Officer of HASA, I have personally witnessed the transformative power of maintaining balance in my life and prioritizing self-care. My perspective has changed over the years and I’ve become better at managing my personal and professional time by focusing on my well-being, exploring the benefits of de-stressing, and understanding the unique challenges women executives face in the business world.

Work-life balance is not just a mere concept; it is an essential factor in achieving overall well-being and professional success. By carving out time for personal interests, family, and self-care, we can recharge our minds and bodies, enhancing productivity and effectiveness in the workplace.

Finding the right balance can be challenging, especially in work cultures that often value long working hours and constant availability. However, establishing clear boundaries, setting realistic goals, and practicing effective time management techniques can go a long way in achieving equilibrium. By prioritizing self-care, whether through exercise, hobbies, or quality time with loved ones, professional women can cultivate resilience, creativity, and renewed energy to face the corporate world’s demands head-on.

In the pursuit of success, many professionals overlook the importance of de-stressing and taking regular breaks. However, engaging in activities that help us relax and rejuvenate is vital for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, or engaging in creative outlets, dedicating time to destress can improve focus, problem-solving abilities, and overall job satisfaction.

Moreover, stress management plays a crucial role in preventing burnout, a prevalent concern among working professionals. By incorporating regular breaks, vacations, and even short moments of mindfulness throughout the day, we can mitigate stress levels and safeguard our long-term health. Prioritizing self-care and de-stressing not only benefits us individually but also sets a positive example for others and fosters a more supportive and sustainable work environment.

While the importance of work-life balance and de-stressing applies to professionals of all genders, women face specific challenges that warrant attention. Gender biases, limited access to senior leadership positions, and societal expectations often contribute to an added layer of pressure on women striving for success in the corporate world.

Women are frequently juggling multiple roles, including those of caregivers and household managers, which can create additional strain on their time and energy. Balancing career aspirations with family responsibilities often requires careful planning, effective communication, and the support of a strong network.

To overcome these challenges, it is vital to cultivate an inclusive corporate culture that promotes gender equality, flexible work arrangements, and policies that support work-life integration. Empowering professional women through mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and sponsorship initiatives can also help bridge the gender gap and create a more equitable playing field.

Achieving work-life balance and prioritizing well-being are not luxuries but necessities for professional women striving to excel in the corporate world. I feel lucky that I now work in a culture that supports this philosophy. By acknowledging and addressing the unique challenges faced by women, we can all help to create an environment that encourages personal growth, fosters innovation, and nurtures long-term success. Let us champion the importance of work-life balance, embrace de-stressing as a tool for personal and professional growth, and work together to build a more supportive and inclusive future for all working women.


Learn More About HASA

HASA connects people to their worlds and aids individuals in their ability to understand and to be understood. HASA has grown into an organization that serves more than 4,000 children and adults every year, helping them communicate more effectively. With programming both on our Baltimore campus and through community-based programming, we provide education, access, and medical support to anyone who needs it.

We envision a society where everyone can understand and be understood and where everyone is treated with integrity, compassion, and equity. Join us.
